Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lush Tips and Tricks!!

Hey Beauties!
I'm back with what will be an on going segment about one of my favorite stores:

If you've never heard or have never been inside a Lush store, let me tell you a bit about them! All of their environmentally friendly products are handmade using only fresh organic fruit and vegetables, along with the best essential oils and safe synthetics. None of their products is tested on animals and many products are "naked" (no packaging!). Above and beyond all of this, their soaps, bath bombs, hair and skin care products are AMAZING!
The first time that I visited a Lush, I was overwhelmed by the selection and price. But over the years I have learned a few tick of the trade and I will be passing on to you!

TIP 1:
When it comes to cleansers and soaps, Don't settle for the marked price! What does this mean? It means that if you only have $5 bucks but you can only find $10 chucks of soap, simply find a sales associate and let them know that you want a $5 chunk and they will happily cut you the appropriate amount! I love this option for many reasons, one being that you can try out a new soap or cleanser without spending a ton. This way if you don't like the product, you haven't invested too much!

 TIP 2:
Ask for samples! Lush wants you to get familiar with their line of products and their sales associates are more than willing to hand out a sample or two to help you out! If you see a product you want to know more about talk to an associate about it and then ask for a small sample! This rule even goes with online ordering! Before the checkout their is a small section for shipping instructions. This is the area where you can nicely ask for sample of any one of their products!

Stay tuned for more Lush Tips and Ticks as my blog continues! 

If you would like to find out more about Lush you can visit their website.

Until next time,


Lipstick Lush


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